VIZIO SV470XVT LCD TV Specifications . Products left of the red line scored an above average rating for their price.
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The bottom line: The Vizio SV470XVT represents a viable alternative for LCD TV bargain hunters who want . beasts, but they fall into a few distinct price categories. In our TV .
Product: Vizio SV470XVT 47-inch LCD. Price: $1,699. Performance: 3 out of 5. Value: 3 out of 5 . http://www.electronichouse.com/article/review_vizio_sv470xvt_lcd_tv/
VIZIO SV470XVT LCD TV . Vizio SV470XVT LCD HDTV Review By Alfredo Padilla . But for a 47-inch HDTV at this price point ($1300 .
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Vizio SV470XVT review by ConsumerSearch. Pros and cons on this Vizio LCD TV . low price and appealing image quality" are this TV's greatest strengths. Review: Vizio SV470XVT .
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Browse by Price Choose a max price using the slider below . The Vizio SV470XVT's viewing angle was about average for an LCD TV, but we did like vizio sv470xvt price lcd tv that colors held up well across .
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